Geographic zones
The growth of the STAPLES economy and the relationships between:
To maintain the fastest data and communications connectivity speeds, and to enable the Identity, Security, and Authentication organizations with what is required to meet the standards which enable the highest data and communications trust levels possible, three geographic zones were defined:
The Americas are currently split into the three following American zones:
From the point of view of creating the best possible secured, authenticated, and protected networks, four independent variables are critical:
Assuming the fiber optics are protected and secured at the applicable bridges, canals, and other land-broken points on these following three geographic land masses, we consider there are a number of minor islands and three (3) major “Data Continents:” the Americas, Afro-Eurasia, and Australia. Assumptions are there will always be attempts at hacking, spying (via capturing a medium's output live screen or/or other data), data and/or network connectivity manipulation, and/or penetrating networks and/or data/networks which are perceived to be protected and/or secured from the privy of others. Assuming one is on land (earth), ensuring the best possible secured, authenticated and protected networks likely follows the progression below, from most secured to least*:
Technologies and innovations continue to replace careers, and as the population continues to expand, workforces are able to manually labor less. Economic developments were needed to increase incomes, which gave rise to the Assurance Industry.
- space (including relationships between satellites, electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves, and data speed relay time between earth's moon and earth),
- communications receiver positions on earth,
- national resources
- a nation's geographical competitive advantages,
- the value(s) of each land-connected continent,
- the value(s) of individual islands,
To maintain the fastest data and communications connectivity speeds, and to enable the Identity, Security, and Authentication organizations with what is required to meet the standards which enable the highest data and communications trust levels possible, three geographic zones were defined:
- Americas (all of North and South America) and their immediate surrounding island nations, territories and/or sovereignties
- Afro-Eurasia (all of Africa, Europe, and Asia, and their immediate surrounding island nations, territories and/or sovereignties)
- Australia, and the immediate surrounding island nations, territories and/or sovereignties
The Americas are currently split into the three following American zones:
- Canada, Greenland, and Iceland
- USA, including all states and territories and the Artic and Antarctica (where USA organizations operate)
- South America and outlying islands
From the point of view of creating the best possible secured, authenticated, and protected networks, four independent variables are critical:
- continuously connected fiber optics
- continuously connected wi-fi networks
- continuously connected line of sight communication relay technology networks
- continuously connected data networks
Assuming the fiber optics are protected and secured at the applicable bridges, canals, and other land-broken points on these following three geographic land masses, we consider there are a number of minor islands and three (3) major “Data Continents:” the Americas, Afro-Eurasia, and Australia. Assumptions are there will always be attempts at hacking, spying (via capturing a medium's output live screen or/or other data), data and/or network connectivity manipulation, and/or penetrating networks and/or data/networks which are perceived to be protected and/or secured from the privy of others. Assuming one is on land (earth), ensuring the best possible secured, authenticated and protected networks likely follows the progression below, from most secured to least*:
- Land: continuously connected fiber optic lines.
- Sea: continuously connected fiber optic lines, yet it typically takes longer to find and diagnose breaches and/or monitor the lines due to the ability to tap and implant nefarious devices anywhere along the path of the fiber optic line(s).
- Air: electromagnetic waves, also known as wi-fi and/or light (laser) communications (within earth’s gravity). [Air also includes DASHS (Drones and Applicable Satellites, Hardwares and Softwares)] in STAPLES areas
- Earth’s Moon including DASHS STAPLES Economy Area
- Space (outside of earth’s gravity and to a radius of 10,000 miles surrounding earth’s moon) including DASHS STAPLES Economy Area
- Outer Space (10,000 miles outside of earth’s moon) including DASHS STAPLES Economy Area
- Lunars (moons) of other planets and their outer space atmospheres including DASHS STAPLES Economy Area
- the outer space atmospheres of planets other than earth, including their outer space atmosphere DASHS STAPLES Economy Area
- Planets other than earth and their outer space atmospheres DASHS STAPLES Economy Area
Technologies and innovations continue to replace careers, and as the population continues to expand, workforces are able to manually labor less. Economic developments were needed to increase incomes, which gave rise to the Assurance Industry.